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Clients, Colleagues and Friends,

If you are like most of us, 2020 hasn’t been that great so far. We have been trying to run our businesses the best we can through a lot of uncertainty. We have learned to pivot and in some cases have created new revenue streams. Some of us have had to close our doors. This year has been a roller coaster ride for sure. Yield is dedicated to helping you with any loan, forgiveness or grant applications that you need assistance with. CPA’s are swamped right now with the July 15 tax deadline looming so give us a call if you need support on these or any other issues you may be experiencing.  

Thank you for your continued trust in Yield.  We are all in this together!

~ Rochelle Dallons, Owner and CEO

Featured Article
Bookkeeping can seem a tedious task — something that keeps you from doing the real work at hand. But without bookkeeping you can’t have financial insight into your business and the peace of mind knowing how your business is doing. Bookkeeping can also help in other critical ways:

  1. Filing your taxes – keeping your books in order can ensure you don’t miss out on any deductions and increasing your tax return.
  2. Looking for a business loan – lenders and investors are more likely to provide financing if they can see the company’s currently financial state.
  3. Catching banking errors quickly – catching any errors when they happen makes it much easier to reconcile than waiting for months to address the issue.
  4. Shows you where your money is going – while you can always see your bottom line, reviewing the ups and downs in your account can tell you about sales, costs and how the business is doing overall.

So, whether you are a startup or an established business, we recommend you look into setting up your bookkeeping system. Our 10 Steps to Better Bookkeeping will help guide you through the process.

You can always schedule time to talk with a Yield Representative to find out more.
Women's CEO Roundtable Highlight
Rochelle Dallons was honored to be highlighted by the Women’s CEO Roundtable during the month of June!
YIELD Client Highlight
LISTEN FOR THE HONK! Mobile Hope improves the lives of young people, 24 years of age or younger, who are who are precariously housed or homeless in Loudoun County. We create pathways for this fragile, overlooked, and often unacknowledged population to have access to housing solutions, daily essentials and life-changing support.

Please consider a donation for Mobile hope to help with the incredible work that they are doing in our community. #ListenForTheHonk
Small Business Awards
For 26 years, the Loudoun Small Business Awards have been the most prestigious honors celebrating the best small businesses, entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations in Loudoun.

Nominate YIELD for "General Business" and “Virtual Business of the Year.” Last year YIELD was a finalist and this year we would love everyones support to win the grand prize.

Nominations are open until Friday, July 24, 2020.
PPP Loan Forgiveness
PPP Loan Update from the CEO:
Hi everyone!  I wanted to reach out to relay a few key points about the PPP loans and what to expect moving forward.  Keep in mind that this is an ever changing target and even the IRS and Congress have not finished with the subject.

PPP Applications for this round of funding was supposed to end yesterday, June 30. However, last night the Senate approved an extension of this deadline to August 8!

Click the button below to learn what we know now and what is subject to change.
Please visit our website at for more information!
Follow Us
Yield Bookkeeping Services LLC
42395 Ryan Road
Suite 112 #198
Brambleton, VA 20148
United States

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